Thursday, July 7, 2011

Dear Natural Nazi....

Dear Natural Nazi,

I've known you for quite a while, and for a minute we were cool. The zealous exuberance that you displayed over embracing your natural tresses could be felt by all. Unfortunately, so could  your brash comments. SMH. Your wealth of knowledge is amazing. Unfortunately, you fail to realize that not everyone wants to hear it. This doesn't stop you, however, from spreading the gospel of natural hair to every non-natural woman that you see in hopes that those who have succumbed to the "creamy crack" will come to the light. Even your fellow naturals must hear your message in order to "properly" embrace the natural lifestyle. After all, we wouldn't want anyone to go astray, would we? Although your intentions, I'm sure, are pure; your actions fail to interpret that. You belittle those who are not like you and talk down to those who care to learn. Because of your staunch and overbearing stance on natural hair, those on the outside looking in assume that all natural chicks act this way plunging us into a war of Relaxed vs. Natural (Click here to read my homegirl Kira's take on the subject). Even your fellow naturals feel the strain of your presence within the natural hair community, and it needs to end. Although your excitement for natural hair is admirable, there are a few things that you must understand. Everyone's idea of natural may not be yours, but if it works for them, why condemn it. You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar. Having said that, if you want to convert a relaxed sista to the natural hair community, you might want to focus on the positives of being natural versus the negatives of being relaxed. No one likes feeling attacked or looked down on for a decision that they feel is the best for them. It's okay to disagree, just as long as it's respectfully. And just in case you're in doubt as to whether or not you should sing the praises of natural hair in a room full of non-naturals, think on this. The best time to discuss natural hair is usually when the ones you are conversing with bring up the subject. I sincerely hope that you take heed to this heartfelt plea from one natural to another, and consider a new approach to walking out this natural journey. Much love to you!


~ MusiQ "that AfroCurly Chick"