Thursday, May 26, 2011

Wash n' No Go

Hi Curly Nation!

It's ya girl MusiQ and I want to talk to you today about my frustration with the elusive Wash n' Go. I remember my first attempt at a wash n' go. *sigh* How sad of a day that was. I attempted to do a wash n' go using Eco Styler gel. I washed my hair and did a hot oil and deep condition treatment and then washed it out. I made the mistake of using a leave in conditioner other than Knot Today, which I heard is a great leave in for wash n' go's. Unfortunately, when the hair dried it left a flaky mess. In addition to that, I didn't use enough of the Eco Styler, so it dried with little to no curl definition when it was all over. Not a very good hair day at all!! March 23, 2011 marked my second try at a wash n' go and it was a successful failure. While the product I used did the job of defining my curls, the shrinkage was out of this world!! Some people may embrace shrinkage, but it always makes me look like I am two or 3 months post BC (big chop). no likey at all. LOL! Fast forward to the present and I am still determined to do a successful wash n' go. I will probably try again some time this summer. Don't get me wrong. I am NOT obsessed with defining my curls, but I am a fan of quick styling. This is the one reason why I am so determined to try it again. If it doesn't work out, life as we know it will go on. lol!  But enough about me. How about you ladies. Have you been frustrated with trying to achieve a successful wash n' go? Or maybe you've finally succeeded at the ultimate wash n' go. Let me know your thoughts on this subject. Until next time Curly Nation!

Live Free! Live Natural!


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Let Me Introduce My Hair

Hey Curly Nation!!!

It's ya girl MusiQ, and I would like to start off this blog by telling you just a little bit about my hair journey leading up to my decision to go natural. From birth to adulthood, my hair and I have gone through thick and thin together.....LITERALLY! Prior to kindergarten, I was natural. Then from kindergarten to third grade, I was the victim of *gasp*......THE DREADED JERI CURL!!!! Yes, the jeri curl. I don't tell many people about this because of the embarassing jokes that you hear about jeri curls, but it really happened to me. Unfortunately, my hair and the jeri curl didn't agree with each other and I eventually was reduced to hair the length of a big chop. After growing my hair out, I eventually got a relaxer, which became my best friend from fourth grade to adulthood. Throughout my 19 years of relaxers, I experienced some good days and bad days with what some naturals call the "creamy crack," but some negative experiences with relaxers were not my reason for going natural. Last year, I began realizing the beauty of natural hair from the naturals that I saw on my college campus as well as in my family, but I was too scared to actually become natural myself. I wasn't quite sure if I could pull it off. It wasn't until my younger sister successfully transitioned from relaxed to completely natural, that I decided to take the plunge in May of 2010, and I am so glad that I did, Don't get me wrong. It hasn't been a bed of roses. Some days are better than others, but the rewards far outweigh the tough days. I think the hardest thing that I had to face about being natural was the mixed reviews from some of my friends and family. Being a soft-hearted person, that was pretty tough. The lesson that I learned in that, however, is that what's most important is what YOU think about yourself as a natural and not anyone elses opinion. Well, now that I have bored you with my story (lol), I will take my leave now. Until next time, Curly Nation!

Live Free! Live Natural!
